1.Jonestown-Scruffy and the Janitors
St. Joseph Missouri's finest here from that opening drum part to the blast of guitar this is a simple song that is maybe the most effectively done thing I've heard all year and once you've seen them perform it in their hometown with a huge group of their closest followers singing along to their cry of, “I DON'T WANNA WAIT SO LONG!” this song just fucking hits ya right there in that special place to make you think that you just may very well be apart of something bigger than the sum of it's parts.
Jonestown is a tune that gives this feeling of being in a small place with a big dream a simple rocker that chugs along well and has a less brash and abrasive tone that was heavily present in their earlier songs and the lyrics while not too much to digest stick around in a way that not too many songs really do for me these day's and I seem to have a real fondness for the line, “Left my sister there,” I have absolutely no clue why but I really like that and the end where they simply say, “ah-ahh,” which trust me is absolutely mind blowing when a room of folks are joining in.
I've seen these guy's all around from the best venues in Kansas City, to their hometown, and my mother FUCKING HOUSE and this song every single god damn time leaves me screaming along louder and louder and louder as I think of all the nights of just blasting this song relentlessly while drinking beer after beer I'm reminded of a few years ago when I mentioned how I was forming the year end list with it in mind just what exactly was going to be number 1 and this year is just one of those years this song hands down top to bottom no questions asked is the best song of the year and whenever Scruffy eventually release that album I'll be blasting the ever loving fuck out of it you best believe that.
I got to talk with Scruffy's guitarist and he answered these questions for me:
So what is the inspirations behind Jonestown?
The inspiration behind Jonestown is a cross between trying to get away from the life you have built and the legend of the Jonestown massacre.
How was 2017 for you as a band in terms of the music you wrote, released, and the performances you gave?
2017 was a turbulent year for us. This new album, Modeling is Hard, has been delayed again and again. It’s tearing us up inside to still not have it out yet. We shopped it to a bunch of labels but it didn’t work out, so we’re putting it out ourselves, which comes with a whole host of obstacles. We didn’t play a lot of shows this year but the ones we did were top notch. Our show with Archie Powell and the Exports and Radar State has to be one of the most fun shows we’ve ever played along with some house shows we threw in St. Joseph. 2017 was full of us recording. We finally hit that next stride. Our performances have gotten fuller. Our following seems to be getting more solid. It has been a “behind the scenes" year.
What are your plans for 2018?
Release. The. Fucking. Album. We have a music video for The Spins coming out soon, we can confidently say that the first show we play in St. Joseph in 2018 will be the “Modeling Is Hard” release show, and we hope to tour in the spring/summer. And work to get back in the limelight with the help of the new album!
-Teriq Newton
Every single person reading this now December 22nd 2017 whether it's by plains, trains, or automobiles needs to go to 619 E Felix St, St Joseph Missouri 64501 RIGHT THE FUCK NOW and see this song played live and while you're going there google the lyrics and memorize them and sing the fuck along because god fucking dam it will you then realize that this is by far the single best god damn song that came out this fucking year.
There are only a handful of tracks I can truly say that you need to see played live and this one from it's earliest stages at the new defunct Tank Room wayyyyyy back at the Momma's Boy Ep release show to today has evolved from a really solid jam to a fucking beast of a god damn tune and again:
619 E Felix St, St Joseph MO 64501
GO there TODAY! See this song live and realize that it's truly the fucking best.
Well that's it my year end best of list is officially wrapped up and now you my loyal readers know the only songs that matter and I'm glad to know that each of your lives is now better because of it and with that in mind stay tuned in the next day or 2 for my follow up list of the worst songs of the year as well as a special announcement on the 29th but until then happy holiday's from Sam's Song of the Day.
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